module ‘collections’ has no attribute ‘Callable’ is the error message you see when you run nosetests.
Here is how to solve this error when you run nosetests with Python 3.10.
First, uninstall nose with the following command:
pip uninstall -y nose Second, reinstall nose but with –nobinaries flag:
pip install -U nose --no-binary :all: Why does this work? At the time of this writting the binary generated by nose was likely generated with a version of Python 3.
How to setup your VIM in Powershell so you can edit Python code. I was looking to code some Python in Windows 10. The default colorscheme that appears in VIM in Powershell is all blue. I am documenting the setup and which color scheme looks good for Python programming on Windows 10 in this post.
Step 1 Make sure VIM is in your PATH Make sure you can run vim.exe from powershell terminal.
We read books, watch videos, and take courses to fill our heads with content and information. Maybe we remember a few good ideas from the content we consume. But soon after time passes and we forget most of this information. It’s frustrating to spend all that time trying to learn something just to forget it. I want to share one simple idea in this post that is going to change the way your learn something.
5 Tips to shoot video so people can watch it at a faster playback speed and understand it I was pressed for time the other day, and I needed to learn something quickly from a 15 minute YouTube video. I decided to try to increase the playback speed to twice the speed. Your probably thinking this is a great productivity tip. Watching a video at 2X playback speed is a little bit like trying to speed read.
It’s not what you think: How this one method is different from the others Have you ever tried making a New Years resolution? How successful were you in sticking with that resolution? A quick search online shows that 8 in 10 resolutions fail by February. Its not what you chose as a resolution, but the strategy that most people employ that leads to the failure.
I am going to outline a new strategy I recently learned about from a small book called Mini Habits by Stephen Guise.
Simplicity reduces risks in an organization Software is eating the world according to Marc Andreessen. If your organization is not a technology company, there is a good change it uses quite a lot of technology. But technilogical change is creating a number of risks for organizations.
Software is complex and it can be difficult to change. The tight labor market has created hiring challenges and software engineers are in high demand.
How to do Test Driven Development with Go on OSX You are looking to start using TDD, but you want a simple tool setup to automate running your tests and giving you the red green display. I have been trying out different setups for programming Go with TDD on OSX, and I am going to show you one that is easy to setup. This post will cover the setup you need to code in one screen and have your tests automatically run and output in another screen.
How to post jobs and get more applicants using startup methods The other day I was talking to a friend about hiring. She has been looking to hire a statistical programmer for over a year and a half. Her company like many others will post the jobs on all the major brand name job boards. I have read that the average time to find a good engineer is 9 months. She is already pushing 15 months and has not found an applicant.
The surprising affect of side projects on a team Bob was a mediocre middle of the road developer who was struggling to complete projects at work. Six months ago, he received a performance review that effectively said he was not carrying his own weight. His manager, Sally, was frustrated with his lack of ability, and she was hesitant to give him any more of the challenging projects. Today, something is different, Bob has finished all of his projects, and he is even helping others on the team with their work.
How to use JIRA for Getting Things Done GTD In this post, I want to teach you how to apply the getting things done (GTD) method using Atlassian’s JIRA system. You must have some basic knowledge of GTD and of how to use JIRA. I just recently finished reading the original GTD book from 2001, and I wanted to explore how to use this method with JIRA as this is the software I use day to day in the office.